The California Air Resource Board (CARB) has recently implemented the Clean Truck Check, that applies to all diesel trucks with a GVWR of over 14,000 pounds. Owners are required to register these trucks under CARB's new database. All trucks operating in California have to be certified as compliant by CARB. This will require paying fees and performing regular smog checks. The DMV will hold the registration of any truck that is non-compliant, and failure to comply will result in penalties and additional fees.
Western Truck Exchange is here to help. Our service department is certified to perform the smog checks on all commercial trucks. Give us a call to schedule your appointment at 323-750-1279. If you would like help in understanding the new regulation feel free to contact us.
See below frequently asked questions.
What is the Clean Truck Check?
Clean Truck Check, the program combines periodic vehicle testing requirements with other emissions monitoring techniques and expanded enforcement strategies to identify vehicles in need of emissions related repairs and ensure any needed repairs are performed. When fully implemented, the program will provide significant reductions in smog-forming and carcinogenic toxic air pollution necessary to achieve federal air quality mandates and healthy air in California’s communities.
More Information
What do you need to do?
Start with the first step and create an online account on the Clean Truck Check website and proceed to register your truck(s). Once you do, the DMV will alert you of the steps to follow. Create Your Account Here
Where do I go?
Western Truck Exchange is here to support you in this process. We have received certification to perform the smog check requirement. All you need to do is call us to schedule your appointment at 323-750-1279 or click the link below.
Schedule Smog Test
Note: Register Newly Purchased Trucks
It is important to remember if you are in the process of purchasing a new or pre-owned truck, you will need to register this truck under your Clean Truck Check as soon as possible to avoid registration delays.
Register Here